Community Projects

Sekenani Community Health Centre- providing medical care and education for the community.

This project was funded by: Semadep, World Vision (Maasai Peoples Project), Semadep foundation (Holland), Kenyan Ministry of Health and Narok County Council.

Semadep built the facility and equipped it and support a lab technician and a pharmacist and the Kenyan Government provide two nurses and a lab technician.

  • Sekenani Community Knowledge Centre- access to computers and the internet as well as training
  • A water Project- the construction of a shallow well providing clean drinking water for the local villages.
    Sponsorship Programme- We have people who are sponsoring individual children in primary and secondary boarding schools, giving support towards the purchase of school uniforms and books.
  • Provision for OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children)- We are supporting 1,244 OVCs within our community. 15 Children are supported by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
  • Sekenani primary school- With the support of individual sponsors, local leaders and the community.
  • A Pre-school – Providing education for children aged 3-5 and food while at school and staffing.
  • Maasai Cultural Villages Initiatives- We are working with 27 settlements in the Maasai Mara, and group them to form an association by the name Maasai Mara cultural villages tourism association, the purpose of the association to end the exploitation of tour driver guides, to the Maasai villages, and bring equitable benefits to the Maasai community.
  • A cattle dip- To prevent death through desease of livestock.