

Hot Air Balloon Safari

Hot air balloon rides are exhilarating in any setting. A hot air balloon safari over Masai Mara National Reserve, though, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! We highly recommend that adventurous guests plan to stay at the reserve for at least three days to allow time for this activity along with your other safari activities such game drives, bush walks, village visits and more. Additionally, hot air balloon flights need to be pre-arranged. Due to the limited space of only 16 passengers in a balloon. But we can do this for you! The balloons can accommodate adults and children, with some limitations. Children must be at least four years old and must be accommodation by a parent or guardian. We recommend that adults be in good physical condition. Adults who are over 265 lbs (120 kg) may be required to purchase an additional spot on the balloon (twice the cost) for safety precautions, though this can be waived depending on flight occupancy at the discretion and prior approval from the pilot.

Maasai Warrior Bush Walk & Bow and Arrow Class

Walking in the bush gives you the opportunity to experience Africa from the ground, in the sae hands of your professional Maasai warrior guide. You don’t have to be super fit, we can tailor the walk according to your abilities and fitness level. By joining us on a walk, you will get to notice all the little things available in nature, that you would normally just walk past. These small details that are overlooked on game drives become more apparent from the slower pace and lower angle of being on foot.

A Visit to a Local Maasai Village

Visiting a local Maasai village will allow you to experience the Maasai culture at its best. The people will sing and dance for you, songs and dances that are hundreds of years old! They will perform various dances for you. This experience is very interactive, as we hope you will dance and jump along. After the performance, they take you into their homestead for a private tour. You will learn everything about the Maasai homesteads, how they are built and why this specific design is chosen. You will be invited into a real Maasai home and to the market place for some nice souvenirs. Be prepared to bargain! As that is part of the game...or give one of the Masai the best day ever by saying yes, I do... to the asking price immediatley!

Herd Cattle with Kenya's Maasai

The Maasai herding and cattle experience is perfect for families, couples, single travellers or groups of friends. The ''herd cattle with Kenya's Maasai is an unique experience in the Masai Mara. With this experience, we hope to support the farmers and Maasai herders with their cattle and to support their families. Cattle is very important in African families. For the Maasai, it provides a reliable form of income and it serves as a back-up support system, in order to support their families or as a pension. Cattle is not only used for meat and milk but also for shoewear, clothing, decoration, masks and making jewellery.

Spend the Night(s) in a Traditional Maasai Village

Are you dreaming about spending the night in a traditional Maasai Village under the African stars? Wait no more... Semadep Safari Camp works closely together with the Maasai people. They would love to welcome you into their traditional homes and cook with you (or for you).This experience is especially suitable for you if you would love to get to know the local people better and if you're not afraid to spending a night with some cows, goats and chickens. Be ready to be welcomed by the kids and the warm local Maasai people as they are ready to submerge you into their world!

Bush Camping Safari

If you love camping and adventure and are not put off by minimal facilities then we can organise to set up our mobile bush camp inside the Maasai Mara and you can combine camping in the wild open of the Mara Triangle’s Iseiya or Eluai public campsite with your game drives. Our team will set up camping dome tents with mattresses and sleeping bags and our chef will prepare dinner for you under the stars by the campfire and a sunrise breakfast. Here we are often visited by wildlife but we have armed rangers with us for safety. The cost to set up the bush camp including fuel, crew entry and camping fees plus armed rangers costs is $250 per night and there is a $30 per person camping fee payable to the Mara Triangle for staying inside the park. Normal park entry and private game drive vehicle fees also apply and full board accommodation in our dome tents with mattress and sleeping bags at the bush camp costs $50 per person per night. A private campsite in the Mara Triangle along the Mara River can also be booked subject to availability and additional fees. Feel free to contact us for further information about this activity.

Maasai Church Visit

A traditional church visit will take about 2 to 3 hours and is one of the best cultural experiences you can have. Members of the community will walk to church in order to meet their friends and relatives, to preach, sing and dance together. Singing and dancing are a way to communicate with one another, bringing people together. All men, women and children will sing traditional Maasai songs and perform dances for you. Even though the Maasai are a culture in transition they hold their traditions dear. These traditions form an important part of their identity and way of life in a rapid changing modern world.